Natalie Skye
The Sunny Celebrant
Natalie Skye
The Sunny Celebrant
You’ve got the ring, the date has been set, you’ve secured the perfect location and you have the love of your life right by your side. Cloud nine vibes. Now it’s time for the wondrous and exciting planning of your wedding day & most importantly, book that freakin awesome Celebrant.
You’re probably not wanting to outdo your friends or family with their own wedding experiences, but instead, you’re dreaming of a day filled with fun, entertainment and an overload of JOY ….but with a DIFFERENCE! A wonderful difference to other events and not ‘undesirably’ different…because there is a fine line when it comes to weddings and having a ‘unique’ or ‘different’ spin on your day. I’m sure you’re keen to keep things memorable for the right reasons….and so am I.
Most of your guests can’t wait for the reception to begin and just want the formalities of the ceremony to be over with, and perhaps you too, because traditionally that’s where the fun starts. Right? Well… actually!? Traditionally at the reception, the champagne flows, the memorable speeches start as well as the bad jokes, followed by embarrassing dance moves, slurring of words, flirting and if you’re really lucky someone cracks open the karaoke box and the night is classed as a HIT. Ok, so this does sound pretty fun, but it can all start so much earlier, than the fifth drink in at dinner.
Most couples prefer a modern celebration these days, where the party vibe and fun energy begins from the moment the guests arrive. THE CEREMONY….Don’t underestimate the power of a fabulous service that engages and entertains everyone, and where the mood and precedent is set for the rest of the day. If it’s done right, the ceremony is the best part of your day, and when you have the right Celebrant to create that moment, your guests will agree too….even if they are sober. It may only be 25 to 30 minutes of the day, BUT it is inarguably the most important and memorable half hour of your LIFE – signing mortgage documents only takes 5mins and having a baby is much much longer, harder and nowhere near as fun…lol. So yes, this timeslot will be forever unforgettable!
Your Celebrant choice is a BIG DEAL and it’s the ice breaker to your fabulous or not so fabulous event. No comedian ever gets on stage and starts his best act off with a crap joke, and finishes on a high. A great comedian leads into the event with a corker joke, so the audience is captivated, engaged, connected and ready for the next line with anticipation…. And this is where I come in. This is my forte – no not joke telling – creating an exceptional ceremony and performance, to set the tone for a sensational wedding day. Because no one likes a boring wedding and everyone expects to be entertained! Exceeding the expectation is my aim, and when it comes to your wedding day, it should be yours too!
Everyone has a bench mark, and it’s great to raise the bar. If you’re wanting a light hearted, relaxed yet elegant personal service and Celebrant to raise that bar….then I’m your lass. Oh, and did I mention I’m young, well youngish and young at heart. Everyone loves an X Gen, right?! I’m stable, reliable and I’ve been around long enough now to know better. I promise to blend in, as best as I can with your wedding theme and colours. I like to dress classy and sophisticated.
So in a nut shell, if you’re a romantic at heart and want to share the most amazing vows, with beautiful rituals to symbolise your love, or your considering something more relaxed and light hearted, but still meaningful and memorable, then crafting a unique, personalised, engaging and one of kind ceremony service, is my forte – my talent and skill. Whatever service you desire, I can create. In fact, we can co-create. Let me make your wedding day shine, for all the right reasons!
The Sunny Difference
Every Celebrant can create a ceremony – it’s not rocket science and it’s what we do. But not all Celebrants know how to perform, captivate an audience and recreate your story in a manner that makes your guests talk about your service for years to come. A great Celebrant sets the perfect tone and energy for the day and has a knack for creating a relaxed and comfortable environment for the guests, but most importantly for the Bride and Groom. These skills are taken for granted by couples who don’t know what to look for in a Celebrant, but in fact, take years of practice, experience and a level of natural ability.
- Officiated over 3,500 ceremonies.
- Registered & Established in 2008 – almost 2 decades of experience.
- I’m an Australian Registered Commonwealth Civil Marriage Celebrant appointed by the Attorney General.
- I cover it all when it comes to the legalities, and the paperwork is a breeze.
- I’m always adding new concepts to my bag of tricks and partake in ongoing. professional development annually – ensuring I stay fresh and modern.
- I’m also a team member of the Noosa Wedding Organisation and Tourism Noosa and can also be found on ‘Great Destination Weddings’.
I offer a back-up Sunshine Coast Celebrant for every service I perform and provide for FREE my jovial, and quirky sense of humour on a daily basis. And yes, my humour is appropriate as I don’t do tacky!! Because of my calm, relaxed and fun loving nature, most people think I’m a friend of the wedding couple at the ceremony, and enjoy how I mingle with the guests before the Bridal crew arrive. It’s the little touches that make my service complete.
Being a Celebrant has been a life changing, incredible experience which I’m daily grateful for, and wouldn’t change for the world. Living and working here in Noosa and visiting incredible Sunshine Coast wedding destinations makes it all pretty awesome!
As the saying goes, when you love what you do, you naturally become great at it and you shine on through!
About Sunny Nat
As the owner of True North Alchemy, I help and support people of all ages on their healing and spiritual journey, navigating them to find and trust their true north, and live a life filled with purpose, real meaning and authenticity. As a Celebrant, intuitive energy healer, shamanic guide and spiritual coach, this work is my dharma. More info can be found here:
On a personal front, I love being a Mother and spending time with my energetic daughter Velvet Skye whilst enjoying all the moments in between with my lovable and quirky family and friends (+ my soul contract dog, Louie). I’m a total romantic at heart and a sucker for a great love story. I confess I’ve been obsessed with weddings ever since I was a kid. I’ve been the Bride, the bridesmaid, a flower girl and for the past 17 years, I’ve been the Celebrant (and married pretty well everyone I’ve known). Does a wedding obsession get much better than this? I create smiles where ever I go, mainly due to my playful, jovial personality, cruisy nature and good vibes. I’m caring and sincere yet I don’t sweat the small stuff, which makes me a great choice as a Celebrant.
During down time, I’m often found in nature, grounding myself, gardening and cooking up a storm (love healthy treats & a spicy curry). Being a yogi for the past 20 years has had a profound impact on my life and health. I also relish in creative writing, intrepid travels, hiking mountains and immerse in as much sunshine as possible. Basically I’m an outdoor addict who is convinced the ocean cleanses the soul. Connection and sisterhood is important to me. And I believe a G&T can pretty well solve most issues on a hot summer’s day! I would have to say though, the best sunshine of all is my work, which is usually outdoors, and quite often in a beautiful park or beach. It’s no wonder I call myself the Sunny Celebrant – in spirit, mind, body and soul. I even like my eggs, sunny side up. But I have to admit one thing….I do adore coffee (good coffee, none of that instant stuff) almost as much as fun weddings! So come and share a chino with me, and chat about your new favourite topic – weddings….in particular – YOURS!